Modernizing Data Protection for Business Continuity and Recovery

7 min read
Oct 19, 2022 4:00:00 PM

Simple data backup is no longer sufficient in the modern world, when recovery speed is increasingly understood to be crucial to reducing loss. Modern data security technologies may cut recovery durations to a fraction of that time, but traditional backups might take days to retrieve data in a usable condition. Quickly returning your organization to operation entails reducing downtime and related expenses. 

A firm may suffer just as much from the loss of important data as from fire, water, or earthquakes. According to recent surveys, just 21% of small firms are prepared to handle a significant data loss or cyber-security disaster, and the average damage from a single ransomware outbreak in 2018 is already $700,000. 

Data loss can have a serious impact if you don't have a plan in place. Simply said, planning is more cost-effective than doing damage control after an occurrence, doesn't carry any risk, and is just smart business. 


Read Also: Keeping Backup Strategy in Line with Data Growth & Business Operations 


What is Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery? 

Business continuity refers to the procedures and resources put in place by a company to guarantee that crucial business technology is available and operates well, both before and after a disaster. A disaster involving business technology is essentially anything that disables, corrupts, or destroys an organization's data, applications, or main communication channels. Common problems like hardware failure or human errors can cause this, as can more serious problems like a natural disaster, internet outage, a fire in a server room, or even cyberattacks. 

The most reliable BCDR methods employ both local and cloud backup to prepare for worst-case scenarios and provide quick recovery times. A complete cloud-based replica of your IT system may be spun up using disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) solutions, allowing you to operate from it while your on-site infrastructure is being restored. 


Read Also: Creating a Cloud-First Disaster Recovery Strategy in Today’s Digital World 


How Would a Disaster Impact My Business? 

Have you given any thought to how long it may take to restore data, even if it had been backed up using conventional techniques? Many company owners are unaware that Microsoft Office 365 does not offer data backup to protect against the loss of email in addition to core data. Microsoft makes it clear that customers are responsible for creating their own backups. 

  • Is your company ready to continue operating even if you lose all your past and present email data? 
  • How long would your company be down if your servers were shut, and how much would that downtime cost? 
  • How much of a ransom are you willing to pay in order to have your encrypted data back? 
  • How much would it cost your company to lose a day's worth of work if your internet service provider had a significant outage? 

How Would My Company's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan Look? 

Being among the top digital transformation companies, we confirm that every organization has varied requirements for disaster recovery. Because cost and necessity are often the two elements that define strategy, Amicus offers customized choices to meet your demands. If your small firm largely relies on SaaS, the solution may be as straightforward as email backup and a failover internet provider. It could be best to have cloud backup if you keep your data and apps on on-premises servers to guard against server damage. For usage in the event of internet disruptions, you could find it useful to have an onsite BCDR device, such as Datto. 

A plan may include onsite backup, cloud backup, analog phone failover for VoIP, ISP failover, and individual email account backups for corporate level, 24/7 enterprises. Hospitals and other mission-critical companies may even use DRaaS solutions to work from a cloud-based copy of their environment while onsite services are being restored. To find the answer that best meets your needs, we, being the best cloud service provider, can assist you in working through these factors. 


Read Also: Cloud Vulnerability Scanning: Everything You Need to Know 


Let's examine 7 procedures that might assist your company avoid major problems down the road. 

  1. Assess your business operations

Your organization will use a variety of different procedures and systems to operate on a daily basis. It's possible that you've already made investments in cutting-edge business phone technology. But if you don't protect your data, your investment can be in vain. 

Which business procedures must be in place for your operation to be successful? Do you have any areas where failure might expose you to liability for harm or damage to the public? Every process will be dependent on data, thus in addition to looking at your procedures, you need to look at your data. You may better prepare for the worst-case situation by determining the most crucial elements of your organization. 

It's crucial that you can guarantee coordination across several departments. Your CDRP should be made known to all teams. Bring together several team leaders from your company. If you are in different places, use video instead of Zoom; there are many more options. Ask them to think about the following issues: 

  • Would regular business operations be able to go on if one operation failed? 
  • Do you handle information that could expose clients to risk? 
  • Are the necessary safeguards in place to handle any unforeseen disasters? 
  • What are the disruption's financial repercussions? 
  1. Recognize your risks

A risk analysis is an essential component of CDRP and data protection. It provides a chance to foresee potential calamities in the future and their repercussions on your company. The following ideas should be kept in mind while you do your risk assessment. 

There are several possible dangers that could have an impact on both operations and data. They could be the consequence of criminal behavior, system flaws, or human error. Your operations and procedures can be thoroughly reviewed to find any problems. 

  1. Evaluate the risks and create mitigating measures

However, not all issues are created equal. Some will affect society more than others. Some will negatively affect production, while others will have an impact on the bottom line or cause data loss or corruption. 

Therefore, determining the impact of each risk is the next stage. You must also take each risk's probability of occurrence into account. It's crucial to rate and record the significance and likelihood of each danger. You can direct your attention to where it is needed, thanks to the sum of these ratings. A risk that is likely and has a significant effect will require intense management attention. 

What actions may you take to lessen the possibility that a risk will materialize? What actions can you take to lessen the impact of a disaster? Depending on the kind of danger, different steps will be required. Your security software may need to be upgraded in order to prevent data breaches. 

Also, remember your fellow citizens. Although you wouldn't scrimp on training in communication skills, you might need to give General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training the same attention. 

  1. Backup systems and data

Consider a critical system failing. How would you respond? You will have a backup plan if risk planning is done correctly. 

Businesses are switching to cloud processing in increasing numbers. The good news is that you may anticipate top-notch recovery procedures from your cloud provider. They can switch to another facility if their processing equipment malfunctions, sometimes with little effect on the processing. It's possible that you won't even notice that there was an issue. 

In the event that a database is corrupt, the same holds true for your data. The price of duplicating systems and databases and maintaining them might be quite significant if you don't employ a third-party source. 

You could also consider Cyber liability insurance as an extra kind of defense given the current rise in cybercrime. Your decisions will be guided in part by your risk assessment. Concentrate your investment on the most important procedures. 

  1. Ensure maximum protection

Here, you'll require professional guidance. Do you have the finest security program for your requirements? Anti-virus and phishing software, firewalls to prevent unauthorized access, encryption, and virus scanning are some examples. Everything can seem a little overwhelming. 

However, this is of utmost significance. Even the strongest disaster recovery methods can't reverse the damage that a data breach has done to your customers and brand. You'll have a hard time succeeding without a high CSAT customer satisfaction score. 

Make sure you are protected appropriately from the start. Make sure your systems have the most recent fixes and upgrades after this is set up. Threats are always evolving. A patching strategy that keeps you current should be in place. 

Remember the human element of security. Make sure your team has received training on how to use best practices for password management and how to spot phishing emails, phony phone calls, and other dangers. 

  1. Ownership 

Knowing who oversees each device you use and every piece of data you own is crucial. They are the ones who ought to be aware of the danger zones and the security measures in place. They will also be aware of any flaws that have been found, and they are in charge of approving any strategies for mitigating such weaknesses. 

All of this will be recorded and analyzed on a regular basis. Owners of crucial systems and data will inform the board of their risks and developments. They will be the ones to advocate for further investment if they believe it is essential. 

  1. Policy and procedures 

The essential components of your company should be well-documented. The policies and practices for business continuity are no different. 

You could have knowledgeable employees who are aware of what to do in the event of an issue. But what if they are off work due to illness and a risk arises? What if they abruptly depart, losing that experience with them? 

The solution is to make sure that you have policies and processes in place for data security and disaster recovery. These ought to outline the specific actions to be taken in the case of issues. 


Read Also: Useful Cloud Security Tools for Your Business 


Unified BCDR Approach with TransformHub 

The administration of complicated backup infrastructure is made simpler by the TransformHub Unified BCDR solution, enabling your company to update data protection while halving TCO. The first step in modernization is to redefine efficiency from a single point of view. With the help of TransformHub UniView, you can manage hybrid cloud backup appliances, direct-to-cloud backup, and Microsoft 365 backup from a single interface by combining best-of-breed methodologies with centralized administration. 

You can control every aspect of your backup environment using the simple, attractive site, including stopping Windows problems brought on by ransomware. A SaaS-based tool called TransformHub Helix automatically detects and resolves Windows problems (like VSS faults) before they have a chance to affect your backups. 

TransformHub, the best digital transformation company in Singapore, offers Recovery Assurance as an extra measure of assurance. Run a disaster recovery test automatically to view statistics and reports detailing how an outage will affect business continuity and how much data your company would lose – all in one location. So contact us today.