Cloud Vulnerability Scanning: Everything You Need to Know

4 min read
Sep 24, 2022 4:00:00 PM

To detect and reduce cloud security concerns, many firms now require the use of a cloud vulnerability scanning procedure. However, there are several ways to interpret the term “cloud vulnerability scanning.” We’ll make an effort to explain Cloud Vulnerability Scanning and its importance to organizations in this blog. We’ll also go through several methods for cloud vulnerability scanning and the difficulties testers have while doing security audits in cloud settings. 

What is cloud vulnerability scanning? 

One way to describe the process of locating security issues in infrastructure and apps based in the cloud is known as “cloud vulnerability scanning”. Common vulnerabilities, such SQL injection flaws and cross-site scripting (XSS) problems, are automatically detected by specialized security tools that are typically used for cloud vulnerability scanning. 

Significance of Cloud Vulnerability Scanning 

Since many businesses now keep sensitive data on the Cloud, it has become a favourite target for attackers. In order to protect this information, it is essential to routinely analyse the infrastructure and apps that run on the Cloud for security issues. Organizations may uncover security problems with the use of cloud vulnerability scanning before attackers have a chance to take advantage of them. 

Different Approaches to Cloud Vulnerability Scanning 

Two of the three fundamental techniques used in cloud vulnerability screening are black-box testing and white-box testing. Testers are not allowed access to the application’s internal architecture or source code when doing white-box testing. White-box testing gives testers complete access to the internal architecture and source code of the application. Gray-box testing is a type of assessment in which testers have restricted access to the internal architecture or source code of the program. 

Challenges in Cloud Security Testing 

Information Gap: The first difficulty is a knowledge gap. You frequently work with several abstractions in a cloud environment. This suggests that you might lack some of the knowledge required to fully understand the system. For instance, you might not be aware of the physical server locations or the network configuration. 

Resource Sharing: Sharing resources is the second difficulty. Multiple clients share the same physical resources in a cloud environment (e.g., servers, storage, and networking). Because of this, it could be challenging to keep your testing environment separate from other Cloud tenants. 

Policy limitations: The final difficulty is policy limitations. The kinds of testing that can be run on the systems of many cloud service providers are strictly regulated by their tight regulations. For instance, some service providers prohibit penetration testing and other security testing methods. 

How does a cloud vulnerability scanner work? 

A program called a cloud vulnerability scanner automates the process of finding vulnerabilities in apps hosted in the cloud. 

The scanner sends specific queries to the target system, examines the answers, and contrasts those responses with information from a vulnerability database. The scanner reports the problem and flags it if these replies indicate an abnormality. 

The scanning is really done in the cloud by a cloud vulnerability scanner, so your servers are kept stress-free and your business is unaffected. It aids you in dealing with a variety of challenging security-related problems, including account theft, illegal access, security misconfiguration, and unsecure user interfaces. 

7 features you should look for in a cloud vulnerability scanner 

Since the scanner must support the cloud architecture in addition to other considerations like cloud security regulations and standards, cloud vulnerability scanning differs slightly from website scanning. Make sure you choose the correct tool the first time. The following characteristics will benefit your company in the long run. 

Supports GCP, AWS, & Azure 

All of the main cloud providers need to be supported by your scanner. This will provide you a thorough understanding of the security posture of your application and enable you to search for vulnerabilities across various cloud infrastructures. 

Optimized for security policies set by the cloud provider 

Your chosen cloud service provider will have a set of security regulations in place. You shouldn’t have to worry about any compliance difficulties because the scanner should be able to follow those standards. 

Scanning in the cloud to reduce server burden 

The scans are carried out in the cloud by automated vulnerability scanners, as was already indicated. As a result, the scan won’t be as taxing on your servers, allowing them to keep operating smoothly. 

Continuous inspection and CD/CI integration 

In order to automate the scans, the scanner should be able to interface with your CI/CD workflow. By doing this, you can guarantee that your application is periodically checked for vulnerabilities. 

Dedicated to compliance scans 

Depending on the sector you work in, you might need to adhere to particular rules. To ensure that your application complies with compliance standards, the cloud vulnerability scanning tool should be able to carry out compliance-specific assessments. 

Detailed reporting with video proof-of-concepts 

You should receive a thorough report with all the details you want on the vulnerabilities. Additionally, the report must include video Proofs of Concepts so you can witness how the attack operates. 

Remediation assistance 

Just identifying the vulnerabilities by the cloud security scanner is insufficient. The scanner should also provide you instructions on how to resolve the problems so you can address them as soon as possible. 


The process of locating, categorizing, and ranking vulnerabilities in a cloud computing environment is known as cloud vulnerability scanning. By lowering the chance of vulnerabilities being exploited, cloud vulnerability scanning aims to increase environment security. Manual or automatic technologies can be used to search for cloud vulnerabilities. 

If you select the best cloud vulnerability scanner and apply the insights it generates to make wise changes, it will make your life as a business owner or information officer simpler. 

Despite the security that cloud providers provide, it is simple to get hacked given the amount of exposure our apps receive. The correct measures and procedures may, however, be followed with ease in order to safeguard your cloud-hosted enterprises. 

Testing for cloud security presents a number of difficulties, such as knowledge gaps, resource pooling, and regulatory limitations. However, doing cloud security testing has a lot of advantages as well, including a better security posture and increased preparation for intrusions. You may assess the security of your Cloud deployment using one of the many tools available for checking cloud security. So contact TransformHub today.