Why The World Needs Sustainable Software More Than Ever

7 min read
Jul 1, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Today, technology is an integral element of everyday life. Almost all aspects of our existence, from basic necessities to daily usefulness, are catered to by technology. 

As a result, technology is now unavoidably necessary, which increases its carbon footprint. 

A sustainable technological future is essential because digital technology will be crucial to attaining net zero, and it will truly be quoted as digital transformation solutions in the modern era.  

The phrase "digital carbon footprint" refers to CO2 emissions from the manufacturing, usage, and infrastructure of technology. 

The carbon footprint left by the information technology industry is thought to have increased by more than a factor of two during the previous 15 years. 

Controlling the growing carbon footprint becomes difficult due to the fast advancement of technology.  

The emergence of AI, quantum computing, and machine learning has multiplied the computational burden, which has elevated carbon footprint levels. 

So, choosing sustainable software development is the way to a future that is environmentally friendly if you're searching for digital transformation services.  

Sustainable Software: What Is It? 

Sustainable software is created, developed, and used in a manner that is socially, ecologically, and economically viable. 

These programs are utilized sustainably and lessen their harmful effects on the environment.  

Additionally, they are inclusive, secure, and energy-efficient, which makes them superior to other software systems. 

They are made with the intention of reducing the amount of energy and area needed while improving efficiency.  

In recent years, adopting a sustainable philosophy has become essential. 

We strive to have a smaller negative environmental effect on all we do. 

All sectors, including the tech sector, are using this strategy. 

However, in the IT industry, sustainability was primarily taken into account for hardware and was not given as much attention for software. 

Although it initially appears that the digital sector is reducing our environmental footprint, a deeper investigation reveals that this is not really the case. 

It has become abundantly clear that software applications are also having a significant environmental impact as a result of increased digitization and the move to cloud computing. 

So, choosing sustainable software development is the way to a future that is environmentally friendly if you're searching for digital transformation services.  

Internet traffic has significantly expanded as a result of cloud computing, the internet of things, and other digital services. 

Internet traffic by itself does not use a lot of energy, but other aspects of this process, such as producing data and information streams, do demand a lot of computational resources.  

Physical servers are required for this data processing, which also uses energy. 

The technology sector therefore has consequences similar to that of every other sector, including higher consumption of energy, carbon emissions, and electronic waste, even if it may not be obvious at first. 

Reasons for Sustainable Software's Increasing Importance 

Environmental deterioration is one of the main worldwide problems in the current situation.  

We are aware of the serious and widespread effects of environmental deterioration. We are seeing the negative repercussions of environmental deterioration all across the world, from deforestation to biodiversity loss to pollution.  

With the aforementioned factors in mind, it is imperative to create a framework that is sustainable and safe for the economy, nature, and society as a whole. 

Let's explore the significance of sustainable software in digital transformation solutions in more detail: 

1. Environmental impact 

Software has a significant negative impact on the environment because it uses a lot of energy during the development and distribution stages and generates carbon when it is run on servers and end-user devices. 

As concerns about climate change continue to grow, software must be created and used in a sustainable way to reduce its environmental effect. 

Additionally, since the number of devices grows tremendously in the modern day, it is crucial to reduce emissions as much as possible in order to create a sustainable and green world.  

2. Social impact 

We utilize software extensively in our daily lives—we have it installed in our smartphones, smart appliances, automobiles, and other devices. 

Although this has significantly made our lives easier, it is also increasing CO2 emissions, which is harming the environment. 

Additionally, this leads to a number of human disorders that are fatal. We can address these issues while simultaneously taking a non-biased, inclusive approach by adopting sustainable software.  

Software that is ethically produced is created and built with user privacy and ethical technology usage in mind. 

This aids in assuring secure software use that protects user data and the environment. 

This impact has driven the search of digital transformation companies in Singapore and other regions that offer sustainable software solutions 

3. Economic impact 

Businesses can ultimately save costs by reducing the energy consumption involved in the manufacturing and use phases. 

This is how environmentally friendly software may increase results while spending less to create and design it.  

Because technology and business are now so closely entwined, we are inadvertently destroying our world in a variety of ways. 

It is currently unclear how to quantify the emissions caused by the creation and use of software within a business. 

It is time to take into account the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) characteristics of the companies. 

Each action taken to reduce carbon emissions will be significant in the long-term success of decarbonizing the globe. 

Tips for Creating Green Software 

Software may have a negative impact on the environment just like computer hardware. 

By affecting how technology functions and how carbon emissions are produced, it has an influence on energy usage. 

On a related note, software development may be a very energy-intensive activity, necessitating energy consumption optimization both during software creation and usage. 

Here are some pointers for creating environmentally friendly, functioning software. 

1. Lessen our data use 

An application will use more energy to remember, retrieve, and store data if it requires more data to function. 

Reduce the amount of data that has to be shared and add expiration dates to data that is stored to achieve sustainability. 

The amount of data that must be maintained in the background is decreased by using a simplified cache policy. 

Similar to how smaller media formats with lower resolutions cost less energy to maintain than bigger ones, smaller photos and media should be used whenever feasible. 

2. Choose the best coding language 

A 2018 study found that the kind of coding language used to create software can have an impact on how much energy is utilized during development. 

How quickly a program reacts and how much memory it needs to complete tasks or retrieve data are determined by the programming language. 

The program's energy requirements and carbon emissions may be affected by the two variables. 

Even if the research's conclusions are murky, you need to be up to date on the most recent studies in this area to know whether writing software in a certain language might lessen the product's environmental effect. 

3. Eliminate unused loops and features 

Unused features clog up the software, making it harder to operate, and use extra energy, shortening its useful life. 

By removing these features, the program will run more efficiently and last longer. 

Additionally, loops that use energy without effectively reaching predetermined objectives should be avoided by developers. 

For instance, a dead internet link that tries to visit a page that is no longer available wastes energy. 

The software uses less energy when superfluous loops are eliminated, which also improves program performance. 

Using Sustainable Software to Reduce Our Environmental Footprint 

There are several strategies to lessen our environmental impact. 

This problem has been under the attention of IT company managers for a time. 

Many businesses have a sustainability strategy that calls for energy and money-saving goods and services as part of their corporate goals. 

How might the negative effects of the IT sector be lessened? There are several, including the following: 

1. Moving resources from locations without renewable energy sources to those that do. 

2. Making use of software with reduced environmental effect. 

3. Creating more software with less of an impact on the environment. 

4. Investing in and giving away a portion of your earnings to initiatives and projects that seek to protect the environment. 

5. Creating new software standards that extend device lifecycles and cut down on overall e-waste. 

Building and utilizing ecological software tools and working toward new ecological norms in the tech industry are actions that all tech firms should take into consideration. 

All market players working together will provide speedier and more potent outcomes. These tools are still being developed, though. 

As of right now, we don't have enough data to estimate the exact limits of this new technology.  

The practice of sustainable software engineering, also known as sustainable software development, is growing in acceptance today. 

This strategy tries to create software that will improve overall application efficiency while requiring less energy and space. 

The long-term effects of the IT infrastructure on the planet would be reduced with this program. Sustainable software engineering benefits the environment while also assisting companies in producing more effective goods. 

Tools that use less energy and produce no carbon are becoming increasingly popular. As software products become updated, this is quickly becoming a major trend. 

Many software businesses are now working on ways to reduce the amount of energy used by their services. 

Energy efficiency has become the standard, and one of the key criteria we look at when selecting a product’s energy usage. 

TransformHub’s Approach to Sustainable Software Development 

TransformHub, counted among the top digital transformation companies in Singapore has developed apps for customers all over the world that use sustainable software engineering.  

We follow the guidelines for ethical software development practices in our work and uphold the ideals of sustainable software development. 

By lowering the frequency of charging, the technologies we employ are enhancing the power consumption of the gadgets. 

Given that the smartphone is relatively new and has a small battery, the sustainable applications we develop use 0.1% to 0.3% of the device's battery every hour. 

We place a lot of emphasis on the effectiveness of our work process and the generated apps. 

Connect with us to arrange a meeting if you have any queries regarding the sustainable work we perform, the sustainable applications we produce, or if you want to develop a sustainable software application for your company.