DevSecOps Technologies & Benefits

6 min read
Jun 8, 2022 4:00:00 PM

Development, Security, and Operations (DevSecOps) is a phrase used to describe the process of automatically incorporating security measures at every stage of the software development cycle.

DevSecOps aims to replace the previous approach to security, which was frequently clumsily slapped on at the end of a development cycle, with a more proactive, integrated strategy that addresses security throughout the development process.

It enables greater cooperation and communication between development, operations, and security teams by auditing existing IT infrastructures, automating security tools operating in pipelines, and auditing existing IT infrastructures.

DevSecOps is a collection of methods that automate the development, test, and delivery processes, making them more efficient and dependable. In addition, it streamlines communication between development and IT teams.

What is the difference between DevSecOps and DevOps?

DevOps is a concept that promotes improved collaboration between development and operations teams, allowing them to imagine, create, and maintain software systems at a constant speed.

DevSecOps is a natural extension of this mindset, prioritizing security alongside all other design aspects of a software product. As a result, security measures may be incorporated to support an application's final design rather than being an afterthought.

Disciplines of DevSecOps

DevSecOps is a tactical trifecta that combines three distinct disciplines: development, security, and operations. In both pre-production and production environments, the goal is to easily integrate security into your continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Let's look at each discipline and how it contributes to the faster delivery of better, more secure software.


Development teams construct and refine new software applications. The following are examples:

  • Applications built from the ground up with a specific goal in mind
  • API-based connectivity allows old systems and new services to communicate with one another.
  • Applications that use open-source code to accelerate development.

Modern development processes utilize agile models, encouraging continuous improvement over sequential, waterfall-model procedures. However, if developers work in isolation without addressing operations and security, new apps or features may generate operational issues or security vulnerabilities that are costly and time-consuming to fix.


Operations are the processes that manage software functionality throughout its delivery and usage life cycle. Monitoring system performance, addressing faults, testing after updates and revisions, and changing the software release mechanism are all involved.

DevOps has gained popularity in recent years to blend key operational ideas with development cycles, recognizing that the two processes must coexist. Although siloed post-development activities make it simpler to notice and address possible concerns, this technique compels developers to repair software flaws before moving on to the next project. Instead of a straightforward software solution, this results in a convoluted route plan.

By aligning operations with software development processes, businesses may reduce deployment time and increase overall efficiency.


Security refers to all of the tools and techniques necessary to design and build software that is resistant to attack and discover and respond to errors as quickly as possible.

Traditionally, application security has been handled after development by a separate team of people who aren't part of the development or operations teams. As a result of this segmented strategy, the development process and reaction time was limited.

Furthermore, security technologies have always been separated. In many cases, each application security test was focused entirely on the program and the source code. This made it difficult for anybody to get a holistic view of the organization's security vulnerabilities or to grasp any program.

Benefits of the DevSecOps approach

What is the purpose of DevSecOps? Incorporating DevSecOps into your development cycle has several advantages.

Increased productivity and efficiency, more dependable security measures, and more communication between departments, are among the benefits.

Most crucially, a DevSecOps methodology is less expensive than traditional security implementation methods because correcting significant vulnerabilities afterward is more complex and time-consuming than doing so early.

  • More robust, more reliable security

Before DevSecOps, security was frequently an afterthought, handled by a different, dedicated security team. As a result, security measures were often designed carelessly, with little thought given to how they would fit into the context of the application, resulting in a high chance of cyber-security hazards and vulnerabilities.

Security gets the attention it needs right away with DevSecOps. This allows all departments to collaborate and share their knowledge and skills to create a tailored security solution that works within the application's environment.

Furthermore, periodic micro-updates implemented throughout the program life cycle ensure that the software is protected from the latest dangers as they emerge.

  • More brilliant collaboration, smoother workflow

Companies with a DevSecOps culture nowadays expect their employees to be versed in various domains.

This implies that both the Development and IT Operations teams must have a certain level of security awareness and vice versa. As a result, all team members may think about security regarding their contribution to a project.

As a result, rather than putting the responsibility primarily on professional security specialists, it is simpler for all team members to perform their role in keeping their applications safe, secure, and compliant.

  • Faster, rapid software delivery

Software and application development may move considerably more quickly than previously, not only in terms of product debut but also in post-launch upgrades.

DevSecOps is unique in that it is significantly faster, less expensive, and more efficient. This is because the code may be examined, scanned, audited, and tested for security purposes at any point along the journey.

Consequently, any possible problems may be rectified before they turn into a time-consuming and challenging effort. This significantly shortens the development cycle, allowing companies to market their products faster and gain a competitive edge.


  • Automated security testing

Any security solution must include automation and automated security testing. By freeing development, operations, and security team members to innovate in areas where they shine, they can focus on areas where they succeed the most.

Furthermore, automated security testing technologies can identify possible security concerns early, providing team members with the time and space to address them before launching. As a result, security is perceived as less of a hurried, last-minute addition and more of a critical component on par with the rest of the program.

Important Features of DevSecOps

Allow for more efficient and practical programming.

  • The DevOps approach to application security stresses how security policies are deployed, resulting in both faster and higher-quality implementation. This cooperation allows IT Ops and DevOps teams to work together to design apps that adhere to security standards applied at every level of the development process.

Proactive security

  • DevSecOps appears to be a rapidly growing trend. The security staff becomes considerably more proactive as a result of these activities. It starts with integrating or upgrading their present threat intelligence stream so that they can watch it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Another addition is automating triage, inquiry, and remediation as rapidly as feasible. Security personnel in this firm keep a watch on potentially successful targeted assaults and detect attackers before they reach you.

Security flaw fixing 

  • DevSecOps' primary goal is to demonstrate that the company has the most up-to-date knowledge on its security issues. Furthermore, implementations ensure that security problems are found and resolved promptly not to harm the user experience.

Automated Monitoring and Testing

  • Previously, system testing was done manually, and it may take days, weeks, or months to complete a test cycle. However, new DevSecOps solutions have been developed, allowing software developers to automate monitoring and testing cycles.

Flexible and repeatable process

  • DevSecOps brings security early in the development lifecycle, but it also has to be relevant, easy to use, and adaptable. Developers may be made part of the security endeavor with the correct tools, making security contextually relevant for them at every step of the SDLC.

Modernize your development cycle with DevSecOps

The days of security as a last-minute precaution are long gone. Instead, clients and consumers nowadays demand their apps to be safe, trustworthy, and secure from the moment they are released until the end of their lifecycle.

Pushing out regular micro-updates to security procedures and features is almost difficult with a traditional approach to security implementation. Moreover, it puts the whole weight on professional security specialists, who cannot meet such a demand.

The team may address security at every stage of the development cycle by spreading the workload equitably across different departments, from development and organization to security. Consequently, rather than having a 'layer' of protection put on top at the last minute, applications are developed from the ground up to be safe and secure.

DevSecOps is a fresh take on the standard waterfall approach to application development that businesses have used for years. This new technique aims to include security into the development process, allowing for efficient and safe application development. 

There are several advantages to adopting DevSecOps in your business, and TransformHub's team of DevSecOps consultants should be your first pick if you're seeking the finest security consulting services. We'll help you rethink your strategy to take advantage of DevSecOps methods, improving IT security without sacrificing productivity. So contact us today and begin your safe journey!